Sealing up your house is a great way to use less energy, but A NO Dealers understands that the job doesn't end there. Unless related factors, such as ventilation, humidity control, and waterproofing, are addressed, the result can be a bad case of indoor air pollution.
Indoor air pollution is no laughing matter. In many cases it's two to five times greater than outdoor air pollution. What makes it even worse, is that we spend most of our time indoors. In fact, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) considers indoor air pollution one of today's top five environmental threats. It is the suspected cause of numerous ailments, including asthma, allergies, and eye, ear, nose and skin irritation. Long-term affects may include respiratory diseases, heart disease, and cancer.
We are your trusted and experienced home energy and comfort company in [state]. As such, many of our services directly influence your home's indoor air quality. Contact us today to schedule a home energy audit that identifies the sources of your energy problems, and the appropriate remedy to indoor air quality concerns in [major cities 1], and neighboring areas such as [minor cities 2], and more. Indoor Air Quality may not be the only energy problem within your home.
There are two classes of indoor air pollution, chemical and biological. Chemical contaminants enter a home's air supply as gases or small particles. The gases are often combustion by-products from fireplaces, water heaters, furnaces, and the like. Gases, called VOCs (volatile organic compounds) may be released by cleaning products, paints and adhesives, home furnishings made of particleboard, and certain carpeting and flooring products. Radon gas, a naturally occurring radioactive gas, can also collect in the home's air supply. In addition, harmful particles may be released as dust from materials such as deteriorated asbestos insulation and lead paint that has been sanded or scraped.
Biological contaminants, including bacteria, mold, pollen, and viruses, may originate in damp areas of the home, such as a basement or crawl space, from pets, or be introduced through open windows and doors on days when outdoor air pollution is high. They may also be introduced by unsanitary conditions, and by poor building and equipment maintenance. Food stuffs left to molder in the kitchen, for example, are often a culprit. Humidifiers that have not been cleaned are another common source.
If you suspect that your house has a problem with the quality of its indoor environment, A NO Dealers can help you determine the sources and the appropriate solutions. You may also consider having the air tested. Test kits are available for many pollutants, including formaldehyde, VOCs, and mold.
Contact us today to learn more about your home's indoor environment and how the services we offer to improve energy efficiency can also influence the air you breathe. We are your trusted home science company in [major cities 2], [minor cities 1], and all surrounding areas!
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